Thursday, September 20, 2012

What To Avoid When Hiring A Daytona Beach DUI Attorney

I spend a great deal of time talking with potential clients on the phone and in my office. Something that I am hearing more often from potential clients is that Daytona Beach DUI attorney so and so guaranteed me that he/she could beat my case. If an attorney ever guarantees a result ask them to put it in writing. A common trick in the criminal defense business is to promise high, deliver what you can and back pedal like crazy when the promise is not achieved. Some attorneys will try to blame it on the fact that they were not aware of some minute detail. Implying that you left something out when they made the promise. A responsible Daytona Beach DUI lawyer will not promise results during an initial consultation. A skilled defense attorney knows that the minute details can make or break a case. 
Another problem with promising the result is that the prosecutor, Judge and/or jury play a role in the outcome of the case. The prosecutor has the ability to make the case go away. A skilled defense attorney can help negotiate your case prior to trial to encourage the prosecutor to reduce or drop the case. The prosecutor will typically make a reasonable decision based on the facts in front of them. In the end it is the prosecutor’s decision not the defense attorney’s. If the prosecutor is not willing to give a reasonable offer a Daytona Beach DUI attorney can file defensive motions or set the case for trial. The judge decides legal matters in motions to suppress, motions in limine and motions to dismiss. Attorneys spend a great deal of time in front the local judges but it is never a good idea to promise what someone else will think or do. This is even more reckless when the attorney makes the promise before engaging in the discovery process. Some cases are better than others for a jury trial. To guarantee that a jury of six unknown people will acquit you prior to reviewing the discovery packet is foolish. 
An ethical Daytona Beach criminal defense attorney will discuss your case with you. From that discussion they will be able to spot potential legal issues. A few weeks after representation begins the attorney should receive all the states documents that will be used at trial or that are favorable for the defense. At this point the attorney has a much clearer picture of the issues in the case. I would recommend to anyone looking for an attorney to never hire someone based upon what they promise. If the promises sound too good to be true they probably are. Finally if someone promises that they will beat your case during an initial consultation that would be a good time to look for an honest attorney. Attorney Kevin J. Pitts will never promise you a result. We will discuss the law and facts of your case with you. Once retained our attorneys will leave no stone unturned to get the best possible resolution in your case. If you want to be told your case will magically go away we are not the firm for you. If you want a straight forward evaluation of your case call Daytona Beach criminal defense attorneys Kevin J. Pitts at 386-451-5112.