Thursday, November 15, 2012

Daytona Beach Marijuana Possession Attorney

Marijuana laws are being relaxed or eliminated in numerous states across the country. That is not the case in Florida. Florida and the federal government continue to have harsh sanctions on possession of marijuana. Possessing a detectable amount of marijuana in Daytona Beach could expose you to a year in jail, a year of probation or any combination of the two. Typically extended jail sentences are not common for Daytona Beach marijuana possession cases but for multiple drug offenses sentences around 30 days are possible. What is even more serious is the potential for collateral consequences from marijuana possession or any other drug possession case. These consequences include a two (2) year driver's license suspension, denial of federal financial aid for school, denial of federal financial assistance and for undocumented workers potential deportation as an aggravated felon ( second marijuana possession or any possession of marijuana over 30 grams or any other drug possession charge). An experienced Daytona Beach marijuana possession attorney can help you avoid the potential collateral consequences. Something as simple as getting the charge amended or negotiating a diversion agreement could save your license and student loans. Many drug possession cases have search and seizure issues and stop issues that can result in potential defenses to your case. In constructive possession cases the state must prove that you had knowledge and dominion and control over the drugs for a conviction. An experienced Daytona Beach marijuana defense attorney can contest the states evidence and might be able to get your case reduced or thrown out. If you are accused of a Daytona Beach marijuana possession contact Kevin J. Pitts today to set up a free consultation. Call 386-451-5112 today.

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